Background: It has been suggested that iron increases oxidative stress and that an excess of iron contributes to cardiovascular disease and infections in haemodialysis patients. In the present study, the effects of parenterally administered iron on leucocyte surface molecule expression and the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) were evaluated.
Methods: Ten chronic haemodialysis (HD) patients without iron overload were studied. To each patient, four different regimens were applied: placebo; iron sucrose, either 30 or 100 mg, administered via the outflow dialyser line; and 100 mg of iron sucrose infused via the inflow dialyser line. Blood was sampled at different time points: before, during and after infusion and immediately before the next dialysis session. Levels of CD11b and CD45 expression on granulocytes and of CD11b, CD14 and CD36 on monocytes were determined using flow cytometric analysis. The generation of ROS was quantified using chemiluminescence with and without ex vivo stimulation by phorbol myristate acetate (PMA).
Results: No significant differences among the four different treatment regimes were found, neither in chemilumescence activity nor in the expression of CD11b and CD45 on granulocytes, and of CD11b, CD14 and CD36 on monocytes.
Conclusions: Our results suggest that parenteral infusion of iron sucrose during haemodialysis in patients who have no signs of iron overload has no significant effect on the expression of leucocyte surface molecules and does not increase production of ROS.