The new means and modalities of communication and information technologies have significantly revolutionized access to surgical education. The introduction of the Internet information highway into mainstream clinical practice as an information sharing medium offers a wide range of opportunities to healthcare professionals. High-speed Internet broadcasting allows the display of high-quality full-screen videos. Access to surgical procedures through the Internet already plays a major role in continuing medical education nowadays and will undoubtedly be gaining grounds in the future., the World Virtual University, a web-based surgical university, is dedicated to minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery. Using brand-new multimedia data, the electronic university provides thorough descriptions of over 150 procedures in minimal access surgery and 265 videos of surgical interventions. Such a teaching tool recreates all the prerequisites and requirements of a traditional School of Medicine, incorporating the manifold standpoints of world-renowned experts about specific topics and hands-on hints in various surgical specialities. Following the evolution of technologies, recent advances have made it possible to display items of on handheld devices (personal data/digital assistance also known as PDAs, Pocket PCs, and smart phones). Integrating all these elements into a unique World Virtual University, epitomizes the concept of a unified academic center providing teaching and tutorials administered by international experts. The Internet assuredly contributes to the worldwide diffusion of scientific information in an easy and user-friendly way.