The two-dimensional electronic band structure of monolayer Bi on GaP(110) has been mapped using angle-resolved UV photoelectron spectroscopy (ARUPS) with synchrotron radiation. Surface photovoltage effects are corrected for by simultaneous second-order core spectroscopy. From valence-band spectra along the four symmetry directions of the surface Brillouin zone at three photon energies it is possible to distinguish three states as surface related. The topmost band is found to be inside the fundamental band gap, at ca 0.75 eV above the bulk valence-band maximum. Comparison with other V/III-V(110) systems shows that this system is not significantly different, despite the relatively large size of the Bi atoms with respect to the GaP lattice; in a selective comparison with InP and GaAs it would appear that Bi-substrate anion bonding is a more important factor than strain.