The use of diuretics for the treatment of heart failure (HF) is ubiquitous in any basic HF medical regimen. Although initially these drugs clearly show benefit by relieving symptomatic episodes of decompensated HF, long-term use of these drugs can lead to a "diuretic-resistant" state and is associated with an increased risk of morbidity and mortality. A number of factors may be responsible for this, including dietary noncompliance, inadequate diuretic dosing or methods of administration, and concomitant use of certain medications. Diuretics themselves may set in motion an iatrogenic cardiorenal syndrome leading to worsening renal function and diuretic resistance. The methods for overcoming this resistance are varied and require a focused approach with emphasis on relieving the congestive symptoms related to HF while attempting to preserve renal function and minimize any untoward systemic effects.