Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a relatively novel treatment in advanced Parkinson's disease (PD). Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is a useful technique for examining the effects of DBS both within the basal ganglia and its cortical connectivity. There are technical difficulties in imaging patients with PD, and the DBS itself can generate image artifacts. We describe aspects related to optimizing the fMRI acquisition parameters in patients with DBS and the results of sensorimotor activation tasks performed by four PD patients during hand, foot, and tongue movements, both before and after DBS implant. Provided that all safety conditions are followed, it is possible to perform fMRI in patients with PD and DBS. The standard DBS surgical procedure has to be slightly modified in order to reduce image artifacts. The event-related design provided increased power to detect sensorimotor cortex and basal ganglia activation.
(c) 2006 Movement Disorder Society