Onion (Allium cepa L.) bulbs were subjected for 12 days to either a moderate freeze (-4 C) or a severe freeze (-11 C). They were then thawed slowly over ice. During 7 to 12 days following the thaw, the injury progressed with time in the severely frozen bulbs, but appeared completely repaired in the moderately frozen bulbs. This was shown by the following post-thawing changes.Infiltration of the intercellular spaces increased from 80 to 90% to 100% after the severe freeze, and decreased from 30 to 50% to zero after the moderate freeze. All of the cells were alive immediately after thawing whether the freeze was moderate or severe. Corresponding to the infiltration results 7 to 12 days later, many to most were dead following the severe freeze, all were alive following the moderate freeze.The conductivity of the effusate from pieces of bulb tissue increased after the severe freezing, and decreased after the moderate freezing. The concentration of K(+), total solutes, and sugars in the effusate paralleled the conductivity changes. Neither the pH of the effusate nor the permeability of the cells (as long as cells were living) to water was changed following either the severe or the moderate freezes. Some treatments of the thawed tissue following the severe freeze halted the progress of injury.The above results indicate that the semipermeable properties of the cell are uninjured but that the ion and sugar transport mechanism is damaged by freezing. Most likely the primary injury is to the active transport mechanism involved in their transport. It must be concluded that the final injury following freezing and thawing cannot be evaluated from the degree of infiltration or the conductivity of the effusate immediately after thawing, since injury may progress or recede following the thawing.