The expression of nerve growth factor (NGF) receptor mRNA was examined in the rat brain during postnatal development using in situ hybridization. Cells expressing NGF receptor mRNA were detected in the basal forebrain at all ages examined, with a peak in expression at 2 weeks of age. NGF receptor mRNA was further demonstrated to be expressed transiently in several brainstem nuclei. Expression of NGF receptor mRNA was high at postnatal day (P) 1 and 1 week of age in the facial and abducens nuclei, but was undetectable in the facial nucleus by 2 weeks of age. In the abducens nucleus, a few labeled cells were still present at 2 weeks of age, but absent by 3 weeks. In the cerebellum, a strong signal was present at P1 and 1 week of age which clearly diminished by 2 weeks and disappeared by 3 weeks of age. The labeled cells in the cerebellum had the size and morphology of developing Purkinje cells. These data suggest that the population of NGF-responsive cells in the brain is more widespread during development than in the adult, and that the trophic requirements of specific brain regions are altered with maturity.