Background: To investigate variant genotyping of CCR2-64I, SDF1-3'A and CCR5Delta32 in HIV-1 infected Chinese Long-term nonprogressors and to study their association with disease progression.
Methods: The genotypes of CCR2-64I, SDF1-3'A and CCR5Delta32 were detected by polymerase chain reaction/restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR/RFLP) assay in seventeen HIV-1 infected Chinese Long-term nonprogressors (LTNPs) and thirty-nine Chinese typical progressors (TPs).
Results: The frequency of CCR2-64I and SDF1-3'A in LTNPs are 50% and 62.5%, higher than those (23.08% and 33.33%) in TPs. Only one heterozygous CCR5 mutant was detected in LTNPs, and no CCR5 mutant in TPs.
Conclusion: Variant genotyping of CCR2-64ISDF1-3'A and CCR5Delta32 may be protective factors for delaying disease progression in HIV-1 infected Chinese LTNPs.