The distribution of mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) antigens was studied by the immunoperoxidase method in the II-TES and I-TES mouse strains as well as their progenitors, CS and DBA/2 strains. In the II-TES, I-TES and CS strains, and BALB/c mice foster-nursed with these strains, MMTV antigens were found not only in epithelial cells of the mammary glands but also in those of other tissues including the seminal vesicle, vas deferens, epididymis, prostate, parotid, submandibular, lacrimal, sebaceous, and urethral glands. In DBA/2 and BALB/cfDBA/2 mice, however, the MMTV antigens were found only in the mammary glands. Electron microscopic examination showed MMTV particles in these organs. When we examined the presence of Mtv-1 and 2 proviruses, which are known to be responsible for MMTV expression, in the genomes of the II-TES, I-TES, CS and DBA/2 strains by Southern blotting, Mtv-2 was not found in any of the mice and Mtv-1 was found in the II-TES and DBA/2 mice but not in the I-TES and CS mice. Instead, four new endogenous MMTV loci, which have never previously been reported in laboratory mouse strains, were detected in the genomes of the II-TES, I-TES and CS strains. One (designated Mtv-42) was common in the three strains and the other three (designated Mtv-43, 44 and 45) were common in the II-TEX and I-TES strains or the II-TES and CS strains. These results thus suggest that new endogenous MMTV loci may be responsible for MMTV expression in a variety of tissues of these three strains.