Injuries caused by traffic accidents represent a major world public health problem, rather neglected up to now, but which can be efficiently dealt with on long term, thanks to joint efforts. The authors present the results of a descriptive study concerning the involvement of various factors in traffic accidents in the county of Iaşi, in 2003. This paper highlights the fact that injuries caused by traffic accidents represent an important morbidity and mortality factor. The incidence was of 29.34 serious road traffic injuries for 100,000 inhabitants, as compared to the 30.61 recorded at the national level, whereas the mortality rate--6.9 deaths for 100,000 inhabitants, illustrates a positive situation, as compared to the 10.28 recorded at the national level (p < 0.01). The most frequent causes involved in traffic events were: pedestrians' carelessness, driving carelessness, inadequate speed, exceeding the legal speed limits, failing to give way, illegal passing. Due to the fact that traffic accidents are avoidable, descriptive epidemiology data may represent the starting point in taking preventive measures.