From December 1995 to March 1996 a cross sectional study was carried out in the pulmonary Medicine Unit of Treichville in Abidjan. In order to specify the main aetiologies of pleural effusion, an investigation was conducted among 35 adult patients (19 men and 16 women) suffering from pleuritis. Overall, the mean age was 32.2 years (range: 19-53 years). All the patients underwent a standard chest x-ray a skin test with 10 units of tuberculin, a whole blood cells count with CD4 T cells count and HIV test. The following analysis were performed on the pleural fluid for all patients: cytological, bacteriological and mycobacteriological examination. Some patients underwent as well a pleural biopsy performed by Abram's needle. Pleural fluid was clear in 24 cases (69%). Empyema was found in 8 cases (23%) and hemorrhagic fluid in 3 cases (9%). Tuberculosis was the dominant aetiology of pleuritis noted in 29 patients (83%), followed by far by non-tuberculous bacterial infections in 6 patients (17%). Tuberculosis associated with common bacterial infections was noted in 3 cases.