Several phenomena have been observed during the examination of human dental enamel crystals (mainly constituted by hydroxyapatite (OHAP] by high-resolution electron microscopy (HREM) at 300 and 400 keV: orientation-dependent damage in the form of mass loss from voids or uniform destruction of crystal structure, beam-induced diffusion creating outgrowths at the crystal surfaces, recrystallization of the bulk crystal and crystallization of the inorganic components of the matrix surrounding the crystals. These beam-induced crystals have the CaO structure. The phenomena observed are most likely due to various electron-crystal interaction mechanisms (ballistic knock-on damage, electronic excitations, temperature rise, etc.). In this paper, the contribution of the ballistic process to the phenomena observed is discussed. The quantitative description of the knock-on collisions rests on the McKinley-Feshbach cross-section formula. The minimum ion displacement energies which appear in this expression have been estimated on the basis of the electrostatic ion binding energies, and the covalent bond energies if required. It is shown that hydroxyl, calcium and oxygen ions can effectively be displaced by the incident 300 and 400 keV electrons. Thus, the formation of CaO crystals by the combination of calcium and oxygen ions diffusing from their initial sites inside the OHAP lattice can tentatively be explained.