Esophagus cancer is a heterogeneous disease with considerable differences in malignant behaviour. Some relevant factors for prognosis are known. In this study we analyzed DNA-ploidy as a potential prognostic parameter in esophagus carcinoma. Paraffin embedded histological material from 50 patients with an esophagus cancer, obtained by resection, were selected for analysis. Tumor areas within the paraffin material were identified by HE-stained reference sections. One 50 microns section was dewaxed, rehydrated and mechanically and enzymatically treated to a suspension of 10,000 cells/ml. 1 ml of the suspension, containing bare nuclei with small rests of cytoplasma was centrifuged on glass slides. The fixed nuclei were air-dried and stained by Feulgen-SITS technique, which allows quantitative measurement of DNA. The DNA analysis was carried out with a computer-controlled single cell cytophotometry (Leytas 2, Leitz, Wetzlar). In contrast to the flow cytometry with image cytometry only tumors cells were measured. Overlapping nuclei, dirt and other artefacts as well as inflammatory cells were efficiently eliminated. With the DNA image cytometry we could differentiate between diploid and hypotriploid, hypertriploid aneuploid tumors. Best prognosis had diploid and hypotriploid tumors, the worst hypertriploid carcinomas. In the multivariate analysis the DNA-content of the tumor cells in esophagus cancer was the only prognostic parameter. DNA-content of tumor cells may become considerably clinical relevant in esophagus cancer for the decision to perform a resection or palliative treatment. In patients with hypertriploid tumors an adjuvant oncological therapy may increase the prognosis.