A 49-year-old Japanese woman was referred to our department because of high fever and a huge abdominal mass. Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) imagings revealed a tumor, about 30 cm in diameter,occupied the right hepatic lobe and the peritoneal cavity. Abdominal angiography showed that the tumor was fed mainly by the cystic artery. We preoperatively diagnosed angiosarcoma of the gallbladder and performed tumor resection with cholecystectomy because the tumor was almost capsulated,however the posterior wall of the gallbladder attached to the tumor firmly. Histologically,the tumor was composed of spindle cells including lipoblasts with cellular pleomorphism, which were also detected in the muscular layer of the gallbladder. We finally diagnosed pleomorphic liposarcoma of the gallbladder. At 10 mo and 29 mo after the first operation, she underwent two more operations because of recurrence. Now she has a good quality of life 3 yr and 6 mo after the first operation.