The effect of triglyceride in plasma on RBC aggregation was examined, and the prospective influence on the flow of RBCs in microcirculation and the O2 release was discussed. To minimize the individual differences, blood samples were collected from one subject 2 hrs after high-fat and low fat meals. Triglyceride content in plasma was measured by an enzymatic method, and the rate of rouleaux formation was measured with a low shear rheoscope. The rate of rouleaux formation was increased with the increase of triglyceride concentration. Our previous findings suggested some functional impairment in microcirculation. (1) The enhanced RBC aggregation tends to reduce flow resistance in arterioles, but results in inhomogeneous flow of RBCs in capillaries. (2) The sclerotic change of microvessels alters flow behavior of RBCs, and thereby flow resistance is increased. (3) The enhanced RBC aggregation reduces O2 release from RBCs flowing in microvessels. In conclusion, high triglyceride level in plasma not only changes flow behavior of RBCs in microcirculation and thus increases flow resistance, but also prevents homogeneous tissue oxygenation.