Problem: Mycoplasma genitalium has been associated with male urethritis. We sought to relate M. genitalium to genitourinary signs and symptoms in women.
Method of study: We compared 26 culture-positive women (group 1), 257 additional polymerase chain reaction-positive women (group 2), and 107 negative control women. We used logistic regression to evaluate signs and symptoms, controlling for co-infections, pregnancy, age, and intervention group assignment.
Results: Comparing group 1 with controls, we found significantly elevated odds ratios (ORs) for intermediate vaginal discharge (OR = 5.4; 95% confidence interval 1.01, 29.2) and action in response to discharge [3.9 (1.1, 13.5)]. Non-significant increases were observed for pathologic vaginal discharge [3.8 (0.78, 18.2)], pathologic dyspareunia [1.5 (0.25, 9.0)], vaginal odor [2.1 (0.75, 5.7)], and cervical mucopus [4.1 (0.74, 22.4)]. Group 2 results were similar, but showed no increase in cervical mucopus relative to controls.
Conclusion: Infection with M. genitalium in women is independently related to increased genitourinary symptomatology.