The phenomenon of falls is not well studied in developing world. However, being aware of possible correlates for falls specific to different populations and trying to eliminate these factors is very important to prevent falls. This study investigated occurrence and correlates of falls among elderly in a developing country, Turkey. A total of 2322 patients aged 65 years and over presented to outpatient clinics of a reference hospital were included in this cross-sectional study. All patients had a complete comprehensive geriatric assessment and questioned for fall history. Correlates for falls were analyzed by using logistic regression. The mean age of participants was 71.8 years; 63.5% were female and 28.5% were found to have fallen within one year. Female sex, visual problems, auditory problems, use of mobility aids, mobility problems and depression were the only independent correlates for falls. Although the cross-sectional design of this study may not prove the causal role of the risk indicators, the size of the study group as well as the large number of possible correlates examined enriches the study. The results from this cross-sectional study form a basis for further prospective study on falls in the Turkish elderly population.