Sarcolipin (SLN) is an integral membrane protein that is expressed in both skeletal and cardiac muscle, where it inhibits SERCA (calcium ATPase) by lowering its apparent Ca2+ affinity in a manner similar to that of its homologue phospholamban (PLN). We use solution NMR to map the structural changes occurring within SLN upon interaction with the regulatory target, SERCA, co-reconstituting the two proteins in dodecylphosphocholine (DPC) detergent micelles, a system that preserves the native structure of SLN and the activity of SERCA, with the goal of comparing these interactions with those of the previously studied PLN-SERCA complex. Our analysis of the structural dynamics of SLN in DPC micelles shows this polypeptide to be partitioned into four subdomains: a short unstructured N terminus (residues 1-6), a short dynamic helix (residues 7-14), a more rigid helix (residues 15-26), and an unstructured C terminus (residues 27-31). Upon addition of SERCA, the different domains behave according to their dynamics, molding onto the surface of the enzyme. Remarkably, each domain of SLN behaves in a manner similar to that of the corresponding domains in PLN, supporting the hypothesis that both SLN and PLN bind SERCA in the same groove and with similar mechanisms.