The present study shows that postnatal 'consistent' handling (CH; which consisted of removing the pups from the nest and placing them individually in plastic cages lined with paper towel for a period of 15 min daily between 1 and 22 postnatal days) of rats had long-lasting improving effects on coping with a stressful task (i.e. enhancement on the early acquisition of two-way active avoidance), but such effects were completely prevented when CH treatment was combined with chronic perinatal Ro 15-1788 (7 mg/kg/day, between prenatal day 19 and postnatal day 22) administration (i.e. blockade of benzodiazepine receptor (BZR)). A long-lasting decremental effect was also observed in the same task in rats which received postnatal 'inconsistent' handling (INCH; in which stimulation of pups was changed every day between 1 and 22 postnatal days), without being affected by the concomitant perinatal Ro 15-1788 treatment. These results suggest that intact ontogeny of BZRs is necessary to obtain the enduring positive effects of CH on emotional behavior (i.e. early acquisition of two-way active avoidance).