The molecular details of the mechanism of action of allosteric effectors on hemoglobin oxygen affinity are not clearly understood. The global allostery model proposed by Yonetani et al. suggests that the binding of allosteric effectors can take place both in the R and T states and that they influence oxygen affinity through inducing global tertiary changes in the subunits. Recently published high pressure studies yielded dissociation constants at atmospheric pressure that showed a stabilizing effect of heterotropic allosteric effectors on the dimer interface in the R state, and a more pronounced destabilizing effect in a T state model. In the present work, we report on computational modeling used to interpret the high pressure experimental data. We show structural changes in the hemoglobin interdimeric interfaces, indicative of a global tertiary structural change induced by the binding of allosteric effectors. We also show that the number of water molecules bound at the interface is significantly influenced by binding effectors in the T state in accordance with the experimental data. Our results suggest that the binding of effectors at definite sites leads to tertiary changes that propagate to the interfaces and results in overall structural re-organizations.