Objective: To survey academic otolaryngology centers and obtain information regarding their practice of otolaryngic allergy.
Study design: A 12-item multiple-choice survey was sent to all academic otolaryngology department chairmen and program directors, as well as all academic liaisons known to the American Academy of Otolaryngic Allergy.
Results: Representatives of 71 of 102 (69.6%) accredited otolaryngology programs responded; 52 of 84 respondents reported an active otolaryngic allergy practice at their institution. The testing method most widely employed by those surveyed is intradermal dilutional testing (IDT). The majority of respondents (74.5%) felt that the addition of allergy increased referrals to their department, and a similar majority (72%) were operating at a profit. The most common reasons cited for adding allergy services were to meet educational and residency requirements.
Conclusions: The majority of academic otolaryngology programs in the United States currently offer otolaryngic allergy services. The primary reason cited for adding these services is for educational purposes, but there appear to be potential financial benefits as well.
Ebm rating: C-4.