An immunohistochemical and morphometric study was performed on routinely processed trephine biopsies of the bone marrow in 30 normal individuals and in 90 patients with various subtypes of chronic myeloproliferative disorder. Using a new monoclonal antibody (PG-M1) directed against a formalin-resistant epitope on macrophages and by employment of the Prussian blue reaction, quantitation of this cell population was feasible. Morphometric analysis revealed that the number of iron-laden macrophages represented only a fraction of the total number of histiocytic reticular cells. As could be expected, in polycythaemia rubra vera, no haemosiderin deposits were detectable, but the content of macrophages slightly exceeded that of the normal bone marrow. In chronic myeloid leukaemia 9 of 30 patients showed a significant increase in PG-M1-positive reticular cell elements. These were consistent with pseudo-Gaucher cells, sea-blue histiocytes and intermediate cell types. Primary (idiopathic) myelofibrosis-osteomyelosclerosis was characterized by a significant increase in macrophages (25 of 30 patients). Involvement of macrophages in the complex mechanisms generating bone marrow fibrosis and angiogenesis and in bone remodelling (osteosclerosis) may be responsible for this finding.