A 72-year-old female was admitted to our hospital with the complaint of left neck lymph node swelling. Abdominal computed tomography (CT) revealed wall thickening of the small intestine and multiple lymph node metastases. Barium meal study of the small intestine showed circular stenosis. The patient was operated on under a diagnosis of tumor of the small intestine and left neck lymph node swelling. Needle biopsy of the left neck lymph node and partial resection of the small intestine was done without regional lymph node dissection because of Virchow lymph node metastasis. On the resected material a 5 x 4 cm type 2 tumor was identified. Pathological findings included poorly-differentiated adenocarcinoma, si (bladder), n 4, P 0, ly 3, v 3, H 0, M(-), Stage IV. The patient received the chemotherapy with TS-1. TS-1(80 mg/body/day) orally administered for 4 weeks followed by a drug-free 2-week period as one course. CT revealed that the metastatic lesion had shrunk markedly after the second course. A complete response (CR) was observed after one year. There were no drug side effects. At present, 3 years and 9 months after the operation, cervical and abdominal CT reveals no evidence of enlargement of the cervical and intraperitoneal lymph nodes.