The surface ultrastructure of Heterophyes nocens (Trematoda: Heterophyidae) was studied by scanning electron microscopy(SEM). The adult worms were recovered from experimentally infected cats and from a naturally infected patient. They were leaf-like, ventrally concave, and ovoid or pyriform in shape. Ciliated knob-like sensory papillae (type I) were observed in single or grouped forms on and around the oral sucker, whereas non-ciliated round swellings (type II papillae) were seen on the lip of the ventral sucker. The tegumental spines around the oral sucker were 5-9 pointed, whereas those between the two suckers were 12-17 pointed. Ventrolaterally, three groups of 5-6 type I papillae were located between the oral and ventral suckers, with single ones alternating between them. The genital sucker was protruded or depressed, depending on the contraction state of the flukes, and the gonotyl spine number ranged 50-60. The number of tip points of tegumental spines was decreased posteriorly; finally they became 1-3 pointed. On the dorsal surface, 4 groups of 4-5 type I papillae were symmetrically located on both lateral sides, and the shape and distribution of tegumental spines were similar to those of the ventral surface. Although the tegumental ultrastructure of H. nocens was generally similar to those of other heterophyids, the genital sucker morphology including the number of gonotyl spines and/or the distribution pattern of tegumental spines and sensory papillae were suggested to be the characteristic features of H. nocens.