Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA) is a blue-green alga and represents a nutrient-dense food source. In this study the presence of phycocyanin (PC), a blue protein belonging to the photosynthetic apparatus, has been demonstrated in AFA. An efficient method for its separation has been set up: PC can be purified by a simple single step chromatographic run using a hydroxyapatite column (ratio A620/A280 of 4.78), allowing its usage for health-enhancing properties while eliminating other aspecific algal components. Proteomic investigation and HPLC analysis of purified AFA phycobilisomes revealed that, contrary to the well-characterized Synechocystis and Spirulina spp., only one type of biliprotein is present in phycobilisomes: phycocyanins with no allo-phycocyanins. Two subunit polypeptides of PC were also separated: the beta subunit containing two bilins as chromophore and the alpha subunit containing only one.