Objective: To determine if Lambl's excrescences (LEs) and papillary fibroelastomas (PFEs) differ histologically.
Setting: Materials were obtained from post mortem examinations performed at the Ottawa Civic Hospital, a tertiary care teaching hospital in Ottawa, Ontario.
Design and patients: Hearts with grossly 'classic' PFEs (n = 10) or 'typical' LEs (n = 20) were examined. The patients with PFEs had a mean age of 63.5 years (range 24 to 79), similar to that of 68.1 years (range 47 to 83) for those with LEs. The LEs and PFEs were compared regarding their gross characteristics, sizes, locations and microscopic appearances.
Main results: Lesions which were termed LEs had a similar microscopic appearance to grossly categorized PFEs; however, the LEs were smaller and broader-based. Some LEs and PFEs were microscopically indistinguishable.
Conclusions: As LEs and PFEs may be virtually identical microscopically in some instances, separation of these two lesions may be artificial; however, this separation remains useful because it highlights the gross appearances, unusual locations and potential clinical sequelae of papillary fibroelastomas.