Dysfunction of proteins involved in the G1 to S transition of the cell cycle, such as p16(INK4A) and RB1, is common in many cancer types. A screen of p16 protein expression was performed in benign, borderline, and invasive ovarian tumors, together with endometrial cancers, aligned on a tissue microarray. We observed frequent p16 overexpression in serous papillary carcinomas of ovarian and endometrial origin. An extended cohort of ovarian serous papillary carcinomas was examined to further evaluate the frequency of p16 overexpression. Strong, uniform staining in the majority of cancer cells occurred commonly in invasive serous papillary ovarian cancers, particularly in grade 3 carcinomas. RB1 protein expression abnormalities were rare. Our data indicate that abnormalities in the retinoblastoma pathway, as determined by p16 overexpression, are common in serous papillary carcinomas and are probably an early event.