Purpose: To differentiate classic and cellular type of congenital mesoblastic nephroma (CMN) in MRI and to evaluate MRI for staging according to the Societe Internationale de Oncologie Pediatrique (SIOP).
Material and methods: MRI examinations of 20 children with CMN (age 1st to 16th months, classic type n = 11, cellular type n = 7, mixed type n = 2) were analyzed retrospectively. Cysts, necrosis, hemmorhage in the tumor, signal intensity, tumor structure, thrombosis and dilatation of renal vein, crossing of the body midline, peripheral contrast-enhancement, tumor volume and existence of a tumor pseudocapsule in contrast to the residual kidney were described. The radiologic stage was compared with the histopathologic stage (infiltration of perirenal fat and infiltration of the renal sinus).
Results: Tumors of the classic type (mean volume 67.9 ml) had necrosis in 1 case, crossed the midline in 1 case, had no cysts or bleeding, and had a peripheral contrast-enhancement in 1 case, and were heterogeneous in 9 cases. The cellular type (mean volume 302.8 ml) had tumor necrosis in 6 cases, bleeding in 3 cases, cysts in 3 cases, crossed the midline in 4 cases, and peripheral contrast enhancement in 2 cases, and was predominantly heterogeneous. Mixed tumor types (7 ml and 202 ml) had tumor necrosis in 1 case and crossed the midline in 1 case, a peripheral contrast enhancement in 2 cases and a homogenous structure in 1 case. The signal intensity in T1 w and T2 w images was not specific. The renal vein was inconspicuous in all children. The evaluation of the infiltration in perirenal fatty tissue was true positive in 1 case, true negative in 10 cases, false negative in 4 cases and false positive in 5 cases. The infiltration of the renal hilus was true positive in 10 children, false positive in 8 cases and true negative in 2 cases.
Conclusion: A typical finding of CMN in MRI is a heterogeneous tumor without demarcation from the rest of the kidney parenchyma by a pseudocapsule. The cellular type of CMN tends to have a higher tumor volume and shows more necrosis, bleeding and cysts than the classic type in MRI. A peripheral contrast-enhancement in MRI is not characteristic for any type of CMN. Local tumor staging is not possible with MRI.