In order to address the heterogeneity of the pT1 breast cancer stages, we have been examining the natural and the clinical course of disease in relation to cathepsin D expression, as a molecular marker for the tumor progression that leads to metastasis. The original aim of our pilot study was to determine whether it was possible to distinguish high-risk from low-risk patients, on the basis of nonestrogen- vs. estrogen-regulated cathepsin D expression. Our results showed that estrogen-regulated cathepsin D expression could be useful as surrogate marker of node-positive status. Further, during the natural course of disease, none of 7 pT1N0 patients with tumors bearing nonestrogen-regulated cathepsin D expression developed metastasis. During the clinical course of disease, nonestrogen-regulated cathepsin D expression defined low-risk while estrogen-regulated cathepsin D expression defined high-risk pT1N+ subgroup of patients. Although there is no consensus with respect to metastasis-related prognostic value of cathepsin D expression, our pilot study implies its prognostic value in pT1 breast cancer patients and supports the hypothesis that cathepsin D may promote metastasis in this early stage of disease.