There are many individuals in the Bredasdorp/Elim area who still use plants as medicines to treat many conditions. This study aimed to document some of this knowledge and present an inventory of all the plants in use in the area. Over 40 individuals were interviewed from old age homes, community centres for the elderly as well as people who were known for their knowledge in this matter. The information was gathered by means of questionnaires. In total, 36 plant species from 19 families were found to be in general use in the area. Only 58% of these plants are indigenous to South Africa, 33% are introduced species and 9% are naturalized species. The dominant families were Asteraceae, Lamiaceae, Alliaceae and the Solanaceae. Many of the plants in use are commonly used in traditional medicine around South Africa and share many of the same uses. Some uses, which have not been seen in the consulted literature, have also been documented. A more structured questionnaire was used to determine which plants were most popular for particular ailments. It was found that Artemisia afra and Ruta graveolens were the most popular.