Members of the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) family of ligands exhibit potent growth-suppressive and/or apoptosis-inducing effects on different types of cells. They perform essential roles in the elimination of damaged or abnormal cells from healthy tissues. On the other hand, TGF-betas have also been shown to act as tumor-promoting cytokines in a number of malignancies that are capable of stimulating extracellular matrix production, cell migration, invasion, angiogenesis, and immune suppression. Dissecting the complex, multifaceted roles of different TGF-beta-related peptides especially during the development of pathological conditions and in carcinogenesis is an area of continuous research and development. The characterization of EGF-CFC proteins as essential co-receptors that contribute to the modulation of the physiological activities of some of the TGF-beta ligands will be beneficial for future medical research and the adaptation and possible readjustment of currently applied therapeutic regimes.