Objectives: We investigated the diagnostic value of a new system, the Innotrac Aio! immunoassays for troponin, myoglobin and CK-MB, in 270 samples from patients with ACS, after bypass surgery (CABG) or with stable heart failure in comparison to the respective Roche assays.
Results: The values of the cardiac markers assessed by the respective assays correlated (cTnT/cTnI Rho = 0.94, myoglobin Rho = 0.87, CK-MB Rho = 0.84). If values were dichotomised, we found a high concordance of test positive and negative classified patients by troponins with the respective assays.
Conclusion: There is strong evidence that the Innotrac Aio! system for cTnI measurement can be used reliably.