The authors relate two cases of peritonitis secondary to jejunal perforation by a fish bone. Clinically, the first patient presented signs and symptoms of acute diverticulitis and the second had signs of duodenal perforation. In both cases, the diagnosis was made by the CT-scan revealing a linear radio-opaque object suggestive of a fish bone perforating the jejunum. At laparotomy of the first case, we found a perforation located above several loops of small bowel densely adhered to the nonabsorbable intra-abdominal mesh. Removal of the fish bone, suture of the jejunal perforation, washing and drainage of the abdominal cavity were performed. The mesh was removed and replaced by a polyglycolic acid mesh. In the second case, jejunal perforation occurred in an unaltered small bowel loop and a short intestinal resection was performed. The postoperative course was uneventful for both patients. These clinical cases allow us to discuss the several fish bone perforation site and our patients precipitating factors.