The aim of this article was to identify daily situations experienced by dengue control agents in their relationship to local residents. A cross-sectional study applied questionnaires among vector control agents, community health workers, and a sample of local women. The answers by the dengue control agents and community health workers were grouped in the categories of work, private life, and community. The women were asked about the relationship with the vector control and community health workers. The difficulties cited in the private and work areas by the vector control agents were different from those reported by community health workers. At the community level they coincided and showed that neither group is adequately prepared to deal with these issues. Of the local women interviewed, 87.0% reported that they were well-informed or very well-informed about dengue, 84.0% stated that the work by the vector control agents and community health workers was always helpful, and 54.0% identified inappropriate visiting hours by vector control agents and community health workers as a difficulty. The study identified the need for a new job profile that would recognize and respect the specificities of the areas where their activities are conducted, integrating the community's socio-environmental issues.