Anatomic definition of the membranous labyrinth in the clinical setting remains limited despite significant technological advances in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Recent developments in ultra-high resolution imaging for use in the research laboratory on small animals and pathologic specimens have given rise to the field of imaging microscopy. We have delineated for the first time the labyrinthine structures in a human temporal bone cadaver specimen using these novel techniques. This approach to the study of the middle and inner ear avoids tissue destruction inherent in histological preparations using standard light microscopy techniques. Part I of this series focused on bony middle and inner ear anatomy with MicrCT. In Part II, we present high-resolution MicroMR images to highlight the utility of this technique in teaching radiologists and otolaryngologists clinically relevant anatomy focusing on the membranous labyrinth. This anatomy can be further enhanced using 3D volume-rendered images. It is hoped that familiarity with these ex vivo anatomic techniques will encourage further developments in the field of high-resolution clinical imaging for patients with temporal bone pathologies.
Copyright 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.