Genomic clones of the rat peptidylarginine deiminase (PAD)-encoding gene (PAD) were isolated, and the gene organization was analyzed by restriction mapping and nucleotide sequencing. The PAD spans more than 50 kb and contains 16 exons and 15 introns. The lengths of the introns from 0.5 kb to more than 16.5 kb. A 1.7-kb sequence in the 5'-flanking region was determined. S1 nuclease mapping revealed two putative cap sites 79 and 81 bp upstream from the N-terminal ATG codon of PAD, which had been determined by amino acid sequence analysis. This ATG was confirmed to be the translation start site, since no other ATG codon was found in the open reading frame downstream from the cap sites. The 5'-flanking sequence contains four potential SP1-binding sites, a putative Pit-1/GHF-1-binding site, four short sequences either identical or homologous to the sequences in the promoter regions of rat or human growth hormone encoding genes, as well as a sequence similar to an estrogen-responsive element. However, neither a typical TATAA box, nor CCAAT box is present. These results provide important clues for elucidating the mechanism of female-specific and/or sex cycle-dependent gene expression.