Gastrointestinal helminths were collected from 49 Japanese tree sparrows (Passer montanus saturatus) in Tokyo, Japan. In 16 sparrows, 1-9 (average, 3.5) gizzard spirurid nematodes (Acuaria skrjabini Ozerskaya, 1926) were found embedded in the mucosa of the gizzard. In addition, Capillaria sp., Platynosomum passeri Yamashita et Tsumura, 1962, and a hymenolepidid cestode were collected from 1, 2, and 1 sparrows, respectively. A sexually mature A. skrjabini female and 3 males were found also in a young gray starling (Sturnus cineraceus) that was found dead in the same area after failure to leave the nest. Starlings are a new host record for this spirurid species. Until this study, this gizzard spirurid species has not been recorded in this country or the Far East region.