We have identified 2 relatively young patients with significant hypertension, an elongated single aberrant renal artery supplying blood to a renal segment, and evidence for localization of the elevated plasma renin activity to the side and vein draining the affected kidney. Furosemide-induced diuresis and acute oral captopril stimulated the renal vein/contralateral renin ratios to 4.3:1 and 6.5:1 in patients 1 and 2, respectively. These renal vein ratios are significantly higher than normal (>3:1 under similar conditions). Partial resection of the portion of the kidney affected by the aberrant tortuous artery led to a marked reduction in blood pressure in patient 1. Patient 2, not an operative candidate, responded satisfactorily to use of a converting enzyme inhibitor, which helped to confirm the dependency of the blood pressure on the abnormal flow relationship existing within that aberrant artery and the kidney. We believe these 2 patients are representative of a small but distinct subgroup within the larger number of patients with elongated single or multiple renal aberrant arteries. Each aberrant artery had no focal stenosis, although a decrease in flow relative to the tissue perfusion demands was apparent from the marked activation of the renin-angiotensin system in the venous system draining that artery. The increased length of such vessels may contribute to their decreased flow, although their average diameter may reside just above such a critical value for a normal length vessel. This new syndrome, involving more than one component of the flow/resistance relationship, has been overlooked when renin-dependent forms of hypertension are considered.