Objective: Study the evolution for 7 years of the distribution of fresh frozen plasma consumptions (FFP) according to the therapeutic indications.
Materials and methods: Introduction in the software of the blood bank of a specific character during the distribution of all the homologous FFP allowing a selective sort of the consumptions of FFP according to their therapeutic indications. These "qualifying terms" are defined in function, not only of the French legal references (issued on 3 December 1991),--consumption coagulopathy--global or specific deficit in coagulation factor, but also according to the specificities of our health care institution (liver transplant--thrombotic microangiopathies--open heart surgery).
Results: During 7 years, the consumption of FFP trebled in our institution. The indications of the FFP are now mainly medical, its use in surgery dramatically decreased. The complications are not very frequent, most of them are slight allergic reactions.
Conclusion: New therapies, molecules coming from the research, recombinant proteins or coming from the plasma fractionation will certainly modify the indications of the fresh plasma frozen in the coming years. The supervision of our practices remains essential.