Schistocytes are red blood cell fragments observed on a blood smear. They are a mark of mechanical haemolytic anaemias whose group of the thrombotic micro-angiopathies requires an urgent treatment. The detection of the schistocytes and sometimes their quantification are thus of primary importance. To evaluate this search for schistocytes, several surveys of practice were carried out (1999-2003) including pictures of blood fields (identification of schistocytes among abnormal red blood cells) near biologists of variable level of specialization. The aim was to try to lead to a consensus, in particular for the morphological criterias of identification. Our results indicated that: 1) the biologists are badly sensitized with the importance of this research and the consequences of their response for the diagnosis; 2) the morphological identification of the schistocytes is difficult with an important variability of the criteria according to the observers. An investigation overviewed by the French Group of Cellular Hematology (Delphi method) allowed the development of a morphological consensus (fragments of triangular/crescent/helmet forms with rectilinear zone testifying to the zone of break). In order to cancel the observer-dependent identification of the schistocytes, a software of morphometric analysis (Q-WIN, Leica) was developed for sorting, starting from digitalized microscopic fields, the fragmented - among the normal - red blood cells. The results appeared encouraging, but not yet optimized. An automated analyzer (Bayer ADVIA 120) was also evaluated for the measurement of the schizocytes ("fragmented red blood cells" parameter). The moderate over-estimation of the real schizocytes (+ 0,4%) encouraged to observe the clinical value of the fragmented red blood cells detection in a group of patients that undergone a bone-marrow transplantation. The predictive value of the test (98%) was satisfactory.