Dalteparin and other low-molecular-weight heparins are frequently used for the treatment of deep vein thrombosis and for other indications. Unlike unfractionated heparin (UFH), dalteparin is mainly cleared through the kidney; therefore, it can accumulate in patients with impaired renal function, increasing the risk of hemorrhage. An 84-year-old woman with chronic renal failure was hospitalized because of stenosis of a femorofibular bypass in her right leg. Peripheral transluminal angioplasty was performed successfully. Later the same day, Doppler sonography revealed deep vein thrombosis of the left lower leg. Treatment with dalteparin was started. The patient was discharged home 3 days later, with dalteparin to be continued at home. One day later, the patient was rehospitalized because of a pronounced hematoma on her flank. Her hemoglobin level had dropped to 5.5 g/dl. Treatment with dalteparin was stopped, and protamine 2500 U and two transfusions of packed red blood cells were administered. Treatment with UFH and oral anticoagulants were started because of a persistent risk for venous thrombosis. Thereafter, the patient's hemoglobin level remained stable, and no further bleeding episodes occurred. As long as systematic studies of the efficacy and safety of dalteparin in patients with severe renal impairment are lacking, dalteparin should be avoided or used only with close monitoring of antifactor Xa activity in these patients. As an alternative, UFH can be used because monitoring of UFH is well established and easier than it is with dalteparin. Renal impairment does not notably influence the short elimination half-life of UFH, which unlike that of dalteparin or other low-molecular-weight heparins allows for rapid dosage adjustments to prevent hemorrhage.