The European panel agreed that reproducibility and translatability of terminology in cervical cytology were essential, arguing well for harmonization of reporting systems. The majority at this meeting use a modification of the Bethesda system (BS). Local modifications involved reporting subcategories within high grade and low grade lesions, which would not alter the overall translatability of their systems both with each other and BS. The majority agree that low grade lesions with and without koilocytosis should be managed similarly as should high grade lesions (moderate dysplasia/CIN2 or worse). Those systems linking moderate dysplasia with mild rather than severe dysplasia would need to define moderate dysplasia as such, if their results were to be translatable, which would be preferable to their using a different definition of low grade and high grade lesions. Translation between systems might anyway be facilitated by reporting moderate dysplasia as a subcategory within high grade, which was favoured by most of those present. Therefore, there is no need for exact agreement of terminology if broad principles are agreed. This useful discussion adds weight to the British Society for Clinical Cytology recommendation that the new classification should be adopted by the UK National Health Service Cervical Screening Programme. If the new classification is adopted, the UK would join the European consensus opinion on terminology.