Ependymomas, oligodendrogliomas, and low-grade astrocytomas are slow-growing central nervous system (CNS) tumors that occur in both adults and children, whereas craniopharyngiomas and choroid plexus papillomas occur predominantly in children. We examined karyotypes of 32 of these low-grade tumors, including ten oligodendrogliomas, six ependymomas, 11 low-grade astrocytomas, four craniopharyngiomas, and one choroid plexus papilloma. Only normal karyotypes were obtained from 6 oligodendrogliomas. The rest had normal stemlines; three tumors had 45,X,-Y sidelines and one tumor had a sideline of monosomy 22. The most frequent abnormalities in the ependymomas were +7 (three tumors), -21 (two tumors), -22 (two tumors), and del(9)(p22) (two tumors). Gains of chromosome 7 and deletions of 9p were found more often in high-grade gliomas. Seven low-grade astrocytomas had normal stemlines, two had chromosome 7 abnormalities, a pilocystic astrocytoma had +der(15), and one tumor had a -Y sideline. The four craniopharyngiomas and one choroid plexus tumor were all apparently normal. The cytogenetics of low-grade CNS tumors differ from higher grade gliomas in that most low-grade tumors show little deviation from the normal karyotype.