Aim: To verify whether a shoulder exercises program according to Bobath reduced the shoulder pain in hemiplegic patients.
Methods: We studied a total of 20 patients with pain shoulder. Ten patients are assigned to group R (submitted to rehabilitation) and ten to group R+E (submitted to rehabilitation and shoulder exercises program according to Bobath). Shoulder exercises program was self-performed by the patients after training in occupational rehabilitation unit. The assessment of patients was performed at admission to hospital, at discharge and three months after discharge. Shoulder pain (VAS), shoulder range of motion, disability (FIM), motor function (Fugl-Meyer scale) and spasticity (Ashworth scale) of paretic arm were evaluated in all patients.
Results: VAS was similar in both groups at admission and decreased in group R+E at discharge without reaching significant differences (p=0.253). On the contrary, VAS and Shoulder range of motion improved statistically in group R+E (p=0.0001, p<0.04 respectively) after three months. The others variables measured did not change.
Conclusions: This study showed that a shoulder exercises program according to Bobath reduces shoulder pain of patients with hemiplegia if it is performed daily and for a long period of time.