Traditional Chinese herbal medicine has long been used for treatment of tendon injuries. Comparing to the modern way of treatments, Traditional Chinese medicine also stresses on strategies to promote the inherent healing capacity of tendons. Hippophae rhamnoides, known as Shaji, is one of Chinese herbal drugs that are traditionally used to promote tendon and ligament injuries. The total flavones of H. rhamnoides (TFH), with major constituents including quercetin, isorhamnetin and kaempferol, have been demonstrated with most of the bioactive properties of Shaji. In the present study, we evaluated the potential effect of TFH in the restoration of ultimate stress of healing patellar tendon in a well-established gap wound model in rats. A 0.1 mg TFH was injected to wound 1 day after the injury, and the ultimate stress of the healing tendon was measured at day 14 post-injury. The results showed that the ultimate stress of the healing tendon was significantly promoted by injection of TFH, increasing from 30 to 50% as compared to saline control. Excessive fibrotic response was not found in TFH-treated animals, but an enhanced collagen deposition and a better fibre alignment were observed. The results suggest that TFH may improve the ultimate stress of healing tendons at early stages, which implies possible earlier rehabilitation programme and better recovery.