A newly discovered class of cell resistant surfaces, specifically engineered polyelectrolyte multilayers, was patterned with varying densities of adhesion ligands to control attachment of mammalian cells and to study the effects of ligand density on cell activity. Cell adhesive patterns were created on cell resistant multilayer films composed of poly(acrylic acid) and polyacrylamide through polymer-on-polymer stamping of poly(allylamine hydrochloride) PAH and subsequent reaction of the amine functional groups with an adhesion ligand containing RGD (Arg-Gly-Asp). These cell patterns demonstrated great promise for long-term applications since they remained stable for over 1 month, unlike ethylene glycol functional surfaces. By changing the stamping conditions of PAH, it was possible to alter the number of available functional groups in the patterned regions, and as a result, control the ligand density. Cell spreading, morphology, and cytoskeletal organization were compared at four different RGD densities. The highest RGD density, approximately 152 000 molecules/microm2, was created by stamping PAH at a pH of 11.0. Lowering the stamping ink pH led to patterns with lower ligand surface densities (83 000 molecules/microm2 for pH 9.0, 53,000 molecules/ microm2 for pH 7.0, and 25 000 molecules/microm2 for pH 3.5). An increasing number of cells attached and spread as the RGD density of the patterns increased. In addition, more cells showed well-defined actin stress fibers and focal adhesions at higher levels of RGD density. Finally, we found that pattern geometry affected cytoskeletal protein organization. Well-formed focal adhesions and cell-spanning stress fibers were only found in cells on wider line patterns (at least 25 microm in width).