Many individuals living with HIV have been exposed to some type of traumatic event during their lives and may be living with symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). A substantial number of these individuals are also likely to show evidence of a co-morbid substance use disorder (SUD). There is reason to believe that the co-occurrence of HIV and PTSD or co-morbid PTSD and SUD (PTSD/SUD) may predict poorer health outcomes. There are several pathways through which PTSD or PTSD/SUD might adversely impact the health of individuals living with HIV, including participation in negative health behaviours, low levels of adherence to antiretroviral medications, and/or a direct, deleterious effect on immune function. Psychological interventions are needed to treat PTSD and PTSD/SUD in HIV-positive individuals, and reduce the negative impact of these conditions on health outcomes. This article will explore data on the prevalence of trauma exposure, PTSD, and PTSD/SUD among individuals living with HIV, the pathways through which these conditions might affect health, possible interventions for PTSD and PTSD/SUD for individuals living with HIV, and methods for integrating care for individuals with these disorders. Future directions for research related to HIV, PTSD, and PTSD/SUD will also be discussed.