We have employed two strategies to map 13 markers located at 11q13. First, we used pulsed-field gel electrophoresis of DNA fragments obtained with methylation-sensitive restriction enzymes. The markers used in this study were scattered over 8.4 Mb and, for most of them, could not be linked one to another. A second mapping strategy employed hybridization to either DNA of somatic hybrids containing various parts of the long arm of chromosome 11 or metaphase chromosomes of a B-cell line containing the t(11;14)(q13;q32) translocation. We were able to sort out the centromeric from the telomeric probes with respect to translocation breakpoints taken as reference chromosomal landmarks by this approach. BCL1, which corresponds to the region where the t(11;14)(q13;q32) translocation breakpoints are clustered, appears as a boundary between two areas of human/mouse homology present in conserved syntenic regions on mouse chromosomes 7 and 19.