A microchip technique was used to study expression of 16,897 clones from a cDNA library in the brain of mice receiving melatonin or tetrapeptide Epithalon (Ala-Glu-Asp-Gly). Expression of 53 transcripts in mouse brain underwent significant changes after treatment with the preparations. Melatonin and Epithalon modified expression of 38 and 22 transcripts, respectively. These preparations produced similar changes in the expression of 6 transcripts. Expression of 1 transcript (Rp119) was inhibited by melatonin, but induced by Epithalon. The target genes are physiologically related to the cell cycle, apoptosis, biosynthesis, processing, and transport of nucleic acids. Comparative study of gene expression in the brain and heart of CBA mice receiving melatonin and Epithalon suggest that these preparations have a tissue-specific biological effect.