Snail immune responses towards a trematode infection are known to rely on both plasmatic and cellular host factors. As an approach to further investigate the suspected involvement of plasmatic factors in Biomphalaria glabrata resistance/susceptibility to Echinostoma caproni, we compared protein patterns of plasma collected from susceptible and resistant snails. This proteomic approach revealed that 13 plasmatic proteins exhibited significant differences in their apparent representativity. The genes corresponding to five of them were characterised by a combination of mass spectrometry and molecular cloning. They encode two isoforms of a glycolytic enzyme, two isoforms of a calcium binding protein and an inhibitor of cysteine protease. Furthermore, we investigated gene expression in parasite-exposed or -unexposed snails as well as in various tissues by quantitative PCR. This study showed that: (i) differential representation of plasma proteins between the snail strains was correlated with a differential level of transcripts; (ii) expression of these genes after parasite exposure was differentially regulated in the two strains; and (iii) these genes were expressed predominantly in the albumen gland.